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- Zbiornik podstawowy VG 5000szary Variomat Reflex
Floor-standing with foot structure
Replaceable full diaphragm - compliant with DIN EN 13831
Exterior plastic-coated
With dipstick tube degassing
including welded side socket for connection of a bladder rupture detector
basic vessels VG incl. transducer for level sensing
Type: VG 5000
Colour: grey
Nominal volume: 5000 l
Max. useful volume: 4500 l
Max. permissible system temperature: 110
Max. perm. operating temperature: 70
Max. perm. operating pressure: 6 bar
Connection: G 1"
Diameter: 1500 mm
Height: 3695 mm
High water connection: 375 mm
Tilt dimension approx.: 3701 mm
Weight: 980,00 kg
Oferta dla Ciebie
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