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Zasobnik buforowy Storatherm Heat HF 1500/R2_C zasobnik buforowy dla dużych przepływów, z izolacją, srebrny 6 BAR Reflex - 7353800
- Zasobnik buforowy Storatherm Heat HF 1500/R2_C zasobnik buforowy dla dużych przepływów, z izolacją, srebrny 6 BAR Reflex
The series of connectors (DIN EN 1092-1) for heat generators and consumers are arranged opposite to each other as charging or discharging connectors. Between these series of connectors there also vertically arranged screw-in options for sensor sleeves, thermometers or similar (3 x Rp 1 1/2, 1 x Rp 1). In addition, there are two DN 180 flange connections.
Storage tank of steel S235JR+AR, inside uncoated and outside corrosion protected.
Buffer tank up to 1000 litre insulated with 100mm, buffer tank > 1000 litre with 120mm removable fleece insulation; according to DIN 4102-1 material class B2. Tank available in energy efficiency class C.
The heat losses are measured on an externally certified test bed.
Type: HF 1500/R2_C
Colour: grey
Insulation type: foil jacket, polyester fleece
Insulation strength: 120 mm
Energy efficiency class: C
Nominal capacity: 1413 l
Operating temperature: 95
Operating pressure: 6 bar
Connection: DN125/PN16
Heat maintaining losses: 167 W
Diameter: 1240 mm
Height: 2119 mm
Tilt dimension approx.: 2178 mm
Weight: 212,27 kg
Oferta dla Ciebie
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