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- Reflex Exdirt D 65 V F1, separator zanieczyszczeń z kołnierzem, 110 °C, 10 barów
For installation with standard installation length F1 (DIN 3202-1) according to DIN EN 558:2017-05.
Suitable for the media water and water/glycol mixtures up to a mixing ratio of 50/50%.
Fitting for removing particles with a size of up to 5 micrometres from the flow of liquid by use of a Flowpac separator element designed specially for the purpose.
The cleaning and emptying of the dirt collection chamber is possible via a dedicated desludging ball valve without any necessity to interrupt operation.
Optional retro-fitting with an Exferro magnet insert for separation of ferromagnetic particles from the fluid flow.
Type: D 65 V F1
Colour: grey
Housing material: painted steel
Installation variant: vertical
Connection: DN65/PN16
Cleaning connection: IG 1"
Connection variant: flange
Max. volume flow: 20,0 m3/h
Flow rate characteristic value kvs: 109,5 m3/h
Diameter: 206 mm
Height: 617 mm
Min. maintenance height: 370 mm
Installation length: 290 mm
Central flange-jacket: 306 mm
Weight: 18,30 kg
Oferta dla Ciebie
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