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Niezależny od ciśnienia zawór regulacyjny Cocon QTZ z gwintem zewnętrznym PN 16 PN16, DN 15, Gwint zewnętrzny, 30 - 210 l/h, kvs: 0.5
Valve combination consisting of an automatic flow regulator (with manually adjustable setting of the nominal value) and a regulating valve. The pressure independent control valve can be equipped with an actuator, a temperature controller or a manual head (connection thread M 30 x 1.5).
For installation in heating and cooling systems (e.g. central or underfloor heating systems, fan coil units, chilled ceilings, fan convectors etc.) with closed circuits for automatic flow control (hydronic balancing). It can also be used for the control of another variable (e.g. room temperature) by modifying the flow rate with the help of actuators, thermostats or temperature controllers.
Control range: 30 - 210 l/h
Material: Dezincification resistant brass Size: DN 15 Model: with pressure test points Connections: G ¾ male x G ¾ male
Max. differential pressure: 4 bar Max. operating pressure: PN 16 Min. operating temperature: -10 °C Max. operating temperature: +120 °C
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