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„Regudis W-HTF“ mieszkaniowy węzeł cieplny 17l/min,obiegi grzewcze: mieszany/bezpośr.,cyrkulacja c.w.u.
For the supply of heat and cold and hot potable water to individual dwellings without using auxiliary energy. Station completely pre-assembled on a base plate, leakage and function tested at works.
Consisting of:
-Nickel brazed stainless steel heat exchanger, vertically installed, which reduces the risk of calcification -Proportional flow controller with potable water priority function and integrated cold water throttling disc (the components of the potable water circuit are coated) -Thermostatic temperature controller with quick- acting sensor for the control of the hot water outlet temperature -Spacer for heat meter installation 110 mm, G ¾ with reducer for sensor connection G ½ for use of direct immersion sensors -Cold water dwelling connection with spacer for cold water meter 110 mm, G ¾ to meter the total water consumption of a dwelling -Valve for zone control which can be equipped with an actuator -Facility for the deaeration and draining of the heating circuit -Differential pressure regulator in the heating water return for differential pressure regulation during quickly alternating operational conditions when drawing off hot water and for differential pressure regulation in the heating circuit of the dwelling -Strainer in the primary heating water circuit and the secondary heating circuit return -7 flat sealing G ¾ collar nuts for the connection of the station to the supply pipes and the potable water circuit of the dwelling -Complete piping of the station made of stainless steel, 18 x1
Min. cold water pressure: 2.5 bar Min. differential pressure supply: 300 mbar Draw off temperature tdraw off: 45 °C up to 60 °C Min. flow temperature: tdraw off + 15 K
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